Homework - April 8

Posted: April 8, 2013

Bonjour mes amis!  We are getting right into our 'extreme sports and physical activity' unit in French classes on the Orange team!  We have some "mini projets"  coming up in the near future so start thinking about an extreme sport you want to explain to the class!  In Social Studies, we have Heritage Fair projects to keep in mind!  You only have a couple more weeks to complete them!  I have handed out many topics and ideas, as well as planning sheets to give you the best start possible, but you should have been thinking about them/working on them all year anyway :)  Students will be given some class time next week, they always have Student Enhancement and many lunch hours to work on them, however some work will need to be done at home.  I haven't seen many using that time to work on them yet, I hope they are coming along!Have a great evening!Don't forget:   Documentary permission slip and $ if you are coming to see "Revolution"                         on the 18th.                           Report card envelopes signed ASAP