Posted: November 19, 2013
Math 7L
-I was out this morning. Students started section 5.1 from the text. I will review this next class.
Science 7L2
-We started our next unit on mixtures and solutions. We learned about des mélanges et des substance pures.
-Students need to memorize the safety symbols in their textbook.
Science 8
-Our next project as part of the pilot science program is for student to work together in small groups to develop a job advertisement to hire a cell in an organ. Students were given a handout that outlines the outcomes and requirements of the project. Students need to have the research (along with references) for their organ for next class. Students must demonstrate that they can work productively as a group, that they are knowledgeable about their organ and the system it belongs to, and that they can present their findings in a creative way. This project will be evaluated 3 ways. (Teacher, self and group). Due date next day 1.