Miss Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Math- Logique 13 & PP9 are due; Sign pink sheet
Math- Choisir le bon diagramme, p 269 #1,2,3
Math- p265 #1,2,4; Logique 13 is due
Math-Sciences-  MCV!!!
Joue à ton niveau... 1)  Sous le thème «probabilité»... http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/math/probability/find-pro...) Les coordonnées:  http://www.math-play.com/Coordinate%20Plane%20Game/Coordinate%20Plane%20...) Autres jeux:XP Math- http://www.xpmath.com/Number Nut- http://www.numbernut.com/Interactive Games- http://resources.oswego.org/games/Learning Planet, recherche 'math'- http://www.learningplanet.com/ 4) Dernière 5 minutes: Site Harkins; NBSS Email; Autres jeux de math
Math- p 261 #1-4; Sign test Sciences 7- sign test
Math- p 261 #1-4; PLEASE SIGN TEST DISTRIBUTED TUESDAYSciences 7- Faire signer le test
Math- Sign test; p 250 #2,3,5; Test corrections
Math 6-  Mathletics students should complete the following 4 test sets (to your own satisfaction) by Wednesday: Fractions & DecimalsFraction Rules Decimal PowerRation & Proportion Science 7- MCV!
Math- Sciences-
Math- 6E1 test tomorrowSciences-
Math- Test tomorrow (6L1 & 6E2); Test Wednesday for 6E1Sciences 7- Test demains- La chaleur
Math- test Tuesday.  Finish Logique 12, if you haven't passed it in today.Sciences 7: 5 experiences, test mardi
Math- Diviser les nombres décimaux, p111 #1 à 8; Révision de test due Monday (test Tuesday) Sciences 7- 4 experiences; Test Tuesday
