Mrs. Cole - Archive Notes

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Posted: September 30, 2010

8A, 8B, 8C -  Math Test is rescheduled to Monday, October 4th as Friday is Treaty Day and many students will not be present to write.  (Multiplying Integers/Square Root/Perfect Squares/Mental Math)                   -  Study Review Sheets Math Tutorials are every Day 5 (3:00 - 3:45) or upon request of the student.

Posted: September 28, 2010

8A, 8B, 8C -  Test this Friday, October 1st (Multiplying Integers/Square Root/Perfect Squares/Mental Math)                   -  Study Review Sheets Math Tutorials are every Day 5 (3:00 - 3:45) or upon request of the student. 

Posted: September 16, 2010

Student Pictures/Class Composite are tomorrow morning, Friday, Sept. 17th, for all Grade 8 students.   8B: Please bring in the following: -Student Information Sheet -Permission Sheet for Field Trip/Photos -Kleenex -Student Fees -Gas Campaign Tickets/Money, due Monday, Feb. 20th   Accepting Donations for our Terry Fox National School Run Day, September 30th.   Back-to-School Dance Friday, September 24th   No school October 7th & 8th (Curriculum Days) & October 11th (Thanksgiving Holiday)  

Posted: September 9, 2010

WELCOME BACK!! Homeroom 8B : Please bring the following: -  Student Fee - $20 -  2 Boxes of Kleenex -  Student Information Sheet (updated) - Blue Form -  Permission sheet for field trips/offsite acctivities & picture to be taken - Pink Form