
Posted: June 14, 2013

Congratulations to the winner of the Problem of the Week #17, Shelby Morris from 6L1 (click on the thumbnail to see her solution).Shelby has won a $10 gift card for the movies. Thank you to all the students who participated in the Problem of the Week #17.

Posted: June 14, 2013

The Orange Team Social will take place tonight at HMS from 6-8:30pm.  $5 at the door.  Canteen and photos available.  All school rules apply.  Come out for 'last class bash'! :)

Posted: June 13, 2013

HMS had 16 students attend the Middle School Track and Field Provincials in Saint John. Highlights included: The grade 8 girls placed 3rd Overall in the meet.

Posted: June 11, 2013

HMS won third place at the district archery competition held on Saturday. Way to go Harkins!

Posted: June 11, 2013

Attention Grade 8 students: We want your baby photo!Bring in a photo of yourself when you were ‘oh-so-cute’ and we’ll feature it on this year’s YEAR IN REVIEW slideshow on the last day of school!  Bring your precious photos to Ms Barrieau by Friday or email them to  Coochie coo! :)

Posted: June 8, 2013

As per Mr Menzies, aka 'The Duke': "The Harkins Huskies boys Varsity softball team took GOLD last night [Tuesday, June 4th] in their district playoffs, defeating Nelson 16-1 in the semi's, and Losier 18-7 in the finals................What a they are...............Ben Forrest..............Tyler Pitre.............Zach Newman (C)..............Trey Dunnett.................Zach Miersch (A)..................AJ Adams................Johnny Henderson................Zach Boudreau...................Ian Watters (A).....................Shane Watters................Drew Ric

Posted: June 8, 2013

Track and Field/ Running Schedule for this Week:Monday- JMH 5-6pmTuesday- HMS 3-3:45 & MEET IN TRACADIE or PROVINCIALS IN ST JOHNWednesday- HMS 3-3:45

Posted: June 7, 2013

Mr. Sanderson has left a total estate of $650 000, to be divided among his five grandchildren, all of whom are different ages from one another. The money is to be divided in order of age, with each child receiving $25 000 more than the next youngest child. What inheritance will the youngest child receive? All solutions are due by noon on Friday, June 14.  **Please remember to put your first and last name, class, and problem number on your sheet before you put it in the ballot box. Note: This is the last Problem of the Week for this school year.

Posted: June 7, 2013

Congratulations to the winner of the Problem of the Week #16, Danielle Davies 8E (click on the thumbnail to see her solution). Danielle has won a $10 gift card for the movies. Thank you to all the students who participated in the Problem of the Week #16.

Posted: June 4, 2013

HMS Girls Softball claimed the league championship over Nelson on Monday night with a score of 5-4.Harkins beat Millerton while Nelson defeated Dr.Losier in the semi finals, which lead up to the championship game. Harkins will now represent Miramichi in the Middle School provincials in Fredericton on Saturday.Way to go HMS Girls!


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