
Posted: June 6, 2012

It’s that time of year again…Harkins has made it an annual initiative to help Angel Hair for Kids.You can make a difference for a child who has lost their hair as a result of alopecia, burns, cancer chemotherapy and radiation treatments.Last year, we exceeded our goal of a $500 dollar donation and, through the help of school and community, we sent 5 locks of lovely human hair for wig making.  Our total contribution over 3 years has been 20 ponytails.  We are looking for students, parents, or anyone that you know who has untreated (undyed) hair at least 8 inches in length.

Posted: June 5, 2012

All middle-level students grades 6 to 8, had the privilege  of experiencing, legendary hockey player Theo Fleury’s presentation on drug abuse and prevention of sexual abuse on Friday at the Lord Beaverbrook Arena. This special presentation for students has been made available through the generosity and financial sponsorship of various community organizations and groups, external to Education. The presentation targeted these critical issues and how to avoid them or seek assistance to deal with them- valuable messages for all audience members.

Posted: June 5, 2012

This year at HMS, our grade 7 red team students had the chance to visit the Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA) to spawn salmon.   In February we were given 300 eggs.  Over the last few month we have watched them hatch and grow.   We have had the chance to learn about the importance of conservation.  On May 26th, 2012, we returned our fish to the river.  It was a fun day that allowed us the chance to share what we were learning with our families and the community at large.  We would like to thank the MSA, Mr. Humphreys, and Dr.

Posted: June 5, 2012

Check out the attached information on River Adventure Summer Camp and theatre camps.

Posted: May 25, 2012

HMS is proud to congratulate the following students for winning awards in the May 24th, 2012 District 16 Regional Heritage Fair held at the Miramichi Eco Centre: Lindsay Jay-Keating  for The Queen’s Diamond Jubillee  = The NB Showcase Award (Linday will be going on to compete at the New Brunswick Showcase Heritage Fair in Gagetown, June 22nd to 24th, 2012) Christopher Cooke  for Rock n’ Roll Festival = McCain Literacy Award in Canadian History Rachael Carroll  for My Grandparents, Soldier & War Bride = The NB Military History Award Laura Dickinson & Lauren Henderson for La Maladie au N

Posted: May 24, 2012

There will be a Much Video Dance this Friday for grade 8s only.  6:30-9:00pm.  Photos available.  Canteen available and all school rules apply.  See you there!

Posted: May 24, 2012

The Red Team will be having a bottle collection at Harkins Middle School on Saturday, May 26th at 10:00 am. If you have bottles that you would be willing to donate, please drop them off at the school on Saturday morning.    All money raised will go toward the Mount Allison field trip.

Posted: May 24, 2012

The second Policy 409 consultation for parents was held on May 22nd, 2012 at Miramichi Valley High School. At this meeting, the following 3 recommendations were submitted: Build a new K-8 school to house students currently attending Croft Elementary, Harkins Elementary, Gretna Green Elementary and Harkins Middle. This school should be built to incorporate Early Childhood services. Close all existing schools. Build a new K-8 school to house students currently attending Croft Elementary, Harkins Elementary and Harkins Middle.

Posted: May 22, 2012

Interested in making a difference in the lives of your peers?  If you are currently in grade 7 and want to become a WEB leader, see Ms Barrieau for an application form, due May 24th.  Application attached here as an image file.

Posted: May 15, 2012

On Friday, May 11, the Harkins boys won the District 16 middle School Volleyball Championship. The final match was against Nelson - our boys won the match 2 games to 0. It was the second consecutive volleyball championship for the team.  Way to go HMS boys!


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