Homework November 7th

Posted: November 7, 2013

Math 7L -students have the option to rewrite the module 3 test tomorrow in class.  The lunch review notes are posted below.  I have also uploaded a mini tutorial on modeling multiplying deciamals.   If students do not finish the re-write tomorrow due to the assemnly, they may continue on Tuesday.  I promise to mark them for the term one report card.  Multiple choise questions will not be on the re-write. -Students were given a worksheet on percentages.   This is not for homework.   Science 8 -proposals for lab is past due.  (8L will be doing this with the supply tomorrow as they did not have class yesterday or today) -study digestion and respiration notes   Science 7L -Lab report from owl disection is due (pink sheet) -field trip form is due Tuesday of next week.