Posted: January 12, 2016
Grade 8 Math:
Students are currently working on a Problem-based Math project. They have been given the task of coming up with a problem that can be solved through Math related to their Grade 8 Curriculum. From using Pythagorean Theorem to build a shelter on an island, to using the 3D printer to test which shape of pillar (with the same volume and height) can support the most weight. Stay tuned!
Grade 6 Tech/Shop:
All restaurant menus on PowerPoint were to be completed before Christmas break. Students are currently working on general shop safety, Band Saw and Drill Press Safety and then designing marionettes.
Grade 7 Tech/Shop:
All Technical drawings were to be completed yesterday. Work has already begun on Rockets! Students will need to pass the Band Saw Safety exam again with 100%.
Grade 8 Tech/Shop:
Balloon launch was scheduled to happen today or tomorrow. If that is not possible, we will start work on CO2 cars and will launch balloons next week.