Homework Wednesday, April 22nd 2015

Posted: April 22, 2015

**Grade 8's today took home an information letter about a possible trip to Mount Allison in June.  Please return this letter signed by Friday if your child is interested and has permission to go.  If I don't have at least 22 back by Friday I will likely cancel.  The letter is also attached below** 8 MATH: Hand in overdue Algebra assignments. Some students still need to get Ratio/Rate quiz signed. 8 SCIENCE: Complete lab reports (Layered Liquids and Flow Rate of a Liquid) due Monday (hand in duotang). Expect a quiz on liquids in approximately one week. 7 SCIENCE: Make sure to stay caught up on notes missed in class. 'Baffle Your Skin' questions should be complete for next science class. 7 SOC ST: Life in Canada - Early 20th Century assignments overdue.  Those handed back, get signed by this Friday.
File mount_allsion_parent_notice_2015.docx13.25 KB