Posted: April 20, 2015
8B Math: Rate and Ratio test signed right away. Algrebra assignment was due this past Friday. Hand in ASAP (detention to finish tomorrow). Tonight's questions: p.108 #'s6, 7, 8, 9, 15
8 Science: Get Homework Memo signed (or bring in a signed note that says: " I am aware that my child's homework is posted on the school website") "Flow Rate of a Liquid" LAB is due NEXT CLASS (including conclusion).
7 Science: *See note on '8 Science'. 'HEAT' title page was due last Friday. "Earth's Crust" test must be signed.
7 Soc St: 'Life in Canada in the Early 20th Century' assignment was due Mon Apr. 13th. 10% is lost for each day late and detention will be served after 2 days late