Ms. Beers

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: September 5, 2014

  Parents and guardinas are welcome to join us for Meet the Teacher.

Posted: September 4, 2014

              Devoirs:               8E2 & 8L2- Please have your complete and return the yellow, pink and blue sheets               which were distributed Wednesday. Also, students fees are due ($20.00).               8L1& 8E1- No Homework!               7L- No Homework!               Enjoy Your Evening!                                                                                                                                                      

Posted: September 3, 2014

      Welcome Back! I am so excited to begin a new academic year. I am                                teaching 7L, 8E1, 8E2, 8L1 and 8L2 French Immersion Language Arts.                                It was wonderful to meet my new students and to be reaquainted with the                                students I previously taught. I will post homework on my Teacher Page each evening.                                You can also use the calendar to check on assignment due dates as well                                as the dates of upcoming events. Should you need to contact me, I can be                                reached at 627-4088 or you can email me at                   Devoirs:                 8E2 & 8L2- Please have your complete and return the yellow, pink and blue sheets                                  which were distributed today. Also, students fees are due ($20.00).                 8L1& 8E1- No Homework!                 7L-            No Homework!        Enjoy your evening!

Posted: June 18, 2014

     Devoirs:      8L- No Homework!       7E1 &7E2 - No Homework!         8E1-No Homework!        8E2- No Homework!             Enjoy your evening!     Remember- Bring your own Picnic Lunch and Boat trip Thursday.     Leaving at 11:30 am.                                                                                                                               

Posted: June 17, 2014

     Devoirs:      8L- No Homework!       7E1 &7E2 - No Homework!         8E1-No Homework!        8E2- No Homework!             Enjoy your evening!                                                                      

Posted: June 16, 2014

     Devoirs:      8L- Tim Hortons research project!         7E1 &7E2 - Tim Hortons research project!           8E1-Tim Hortons Research Project!     8E2- No Homework!             Enjoy your evening!                                                                   

Posted: June 11, 2014

        Devoirs:      8L- Tim Hortons research project!         7E1 &7E2 - Tim Hortons research project!           8E1-Tim Hortons Research Project!     8E2- No Homework!             Enjoy your evening!        Note 8L-Please complete and return your permissions slip for the boar trip.     The bus for Mount A will be leaving at 8:30 am sharp. Please try to be at the school     no later than 8:15 am. Remember, pack appropriately.                                                                

Posted: June 9, 2014

     Devoirs:      8L- Tim Hortons research project!         7E1 &7E2 - Tim Hortons research project!           8E1-Tim Hortons Research Project!     8E2- No Homework!             Enjoy your evening!      Note 8L-Please complete the blue information sheets for our Mount A trip.             Please complete and return your permissions slip for the boar trip.                                                                      

Posted: June 6, 2014

     Devoirs:      8L- Tim Hortons research project!         7E1 &7E2 - Tim Hortons research project!           8E1-Tim Hortons Research Project!     8E2- No Homework!             Enjoy your evening!      Note-Please complete the blue information sheets for our Mount A trip.             Please complete and return your permissions slip for the boar trip.                                                                      

Posted: June 5, 2014

   Devoirs:      8L- Tim Hortons research project!         7E1 &7E2 - Tim Hortons research project!           8E1-Tim Hortons Research Project!     8E2- No Homework!             Enjoy your evening!      Note-Please complete the blue information sheets for our Mount A trip.             Please complete and return your permissions slip for the boar trip.                                                                      


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Added: Thu, Mar 31 2016