Mrs. Kingston

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Posted: December 16, 2010

DEVOIRS   Math 7E1/7L - Get quiz signed                        - Problème de la semaine (pour demain) Math 7E1 - P.202 # 5, 7, 8  (pour lundi)   Math 8E/8F - Recipe assignment due Monday   French 8E - Photo Story   -  SKATING TOMORROW (Red Team 9:50-10:50 am)   -  WEAR BLUE TO SUPPORT ANTI-BULLYING   -  TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY TO BRING IN ITEMS FOR THE SPCA  

Posted: December 15, 2010

DEVOIRS   Math 7E1/7L - Get quiz signed                        - P.202 # 1, 2, 4   French 8F - Good copy of story                 Math 8E/8F - Recipe assignment due Monday   Math 8E - Exercices Supplementaires 8 # 1-4                 - Good copy of Photostory (8E)   Skating on Friday    

Posted: December 13, 2010

DEVOIRS   Math 8E/8F - Bring in a recipe                      - P. 291 # 4, 6, 8   French 8F - Journal # 6 due tomorrow   Math 7E1/7L - P. 197 # 1, 3, 5, 6, 8                        - Problem of the Week (due Friday)  

Posted: December 11, 2010

DEVOIRS   Math 8E/8F - Bring in a recipe for class on Monday French 8E/8F -  Photo Story (if not handed in already)  

Posted: December 9, 2010

DEVOIRS   French 8F - Journal #6 due Tuesday   Math 8E/8F - Bring in a recipe for class on Monday                      - Please bring memory stick with Photo Story   Bring in items for the SPCA   School dance tomorrow night  

Posted: December 8, 2010

DEVOIRS   Math 7L/7E1 - Quiz tomorrow (Adding fractions)   Math 8E/8F - P. 274 # 5, 7, 9, 10   French 8F - Research presentation (if not yet presented)   Reminders:  - Bring in an item to help the SPCA  - School dance on Friday, December 10th    

Posted: December 7, 2010

DEVOIRS   Math 7E1 - P.190 # 2, 3, 5   Math 7E1/7L - Get quiz signed   Math 8F - P.267 # 8, 9, 10, 11   French 8F - Research presentation tomorrow      

Posted: December 6, 2010

DEVOIRS   Math 7E1 - Get quiz signed                   - P.184 # 2, 4, 8   Math 7L - P.188 # 1, 2, 5, 8, 10   Math 8E/8F - no homework   French 8F - Research presentation due Wednesday Dec. 8                   - Good copy of  research paper (if not handed in)    

Posted: December 3, 2010

DEVOIRS   Math 8E/8F - Quiz Monday (Unit 5.1-5.4)   French 8F - Research project due Monday   Math 7E1/7L - Get quiz signed  

Posted: December 2, 2010

DEVOIRS   Math 8E/8F - Révision du mi-module                      - Quiz Monday (5.1-5.4)   French 8F - Research project due Monday   Math 7L - Get quiz signed                - P.180 # 2 a-d   Math 7E1- P.180 # 1, 2 a-d, 3   SKATING TOMORROW!  


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Added: Fri, Jun 17 2016