Mrs. Kingston

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Posted: November 10, 2011

DEVOIRS   Math 7L1/7L2 - Assignment due on Monday (decimals)   Math 8E1 - Assignment due on Monday (fractions)  

Posted: November 9, 2011

DEVOIRS   Math 7L1/7L2 - Problem of the week due tomorrow                      - Assignment due on Monday, Nov.14 (Decimals)   Math 8E2/8L - Assignment due tomorrow (Fractions)   Math 8E1 - Assignment due on Monday (Fractions)      

Posted: November 8, 2011

DEVOIRS   Math 7L1/7L2 - Finish Exer. Supplementaires 4                             - Problem of the week due on Thursday   Math 8E1 - Finish Exer. Supplementaires 6 for tomorrow   Math 8L - Assignment due on Thursday   Math 8E1 - Assignment due on Thursday    

Posted: November 7, 2011

DEVOIRS   Math 7L1/7L2 - Get quiz signed (if not signed already)                    - Exercices Supp.4 worksheet # 1 - 4                    - Problem of the week due on Thursday   Math 8L/8E1/8E2 - Get quiz signed (if not signed already)                         - Finish Exercices Supplémentaires 6 worksheet   Our Remembrance Day Ceremony will take place tomorrow at 9:00 am.  All parents/guardians are welcome to join us in the gymnasium.  

Posted: November 3, 2011

REMINDER:   Math 7/8-  students that still need to get their Unit 3 Quiz signed, please do so for Monday. Have a great weekend!  

Posted: November 2, 2011

DEVOIRS   Math 8E1/8E2 - Get quiz signed                      - P.139 # 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 (if not finished in class)   Math 8L - Get quiz signed   Math 7L1/7L2 - Get quiz signed                      - Problem of the week due tomorrow                      - P. 102 # 1, 2, 7 (if not finished in class)  

Posted: November 1, 2011

DEVOIRS   Math 7L - Get quiz signed               - Problem of the week due on Thursday   Math 8L/8E1 - Get quiz signed                       - P.132 # 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10 (if not finished in class)               Math 8E2- Get quiz signed     

Posted: October 31, 2011

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!   Math 7L - Get quiz signed                - Problem of the week due on Thursday   Math 8E/8L - Get quiz signed

Posted: October 28, 2011

DEVOIRS No math homework :)Have a great weekend!  

Posted: October 27, 2011

DEVOIRS   Math 7L - Problem of the week due tomorrow              - Quiz tomorrow (Fractions and decimals- Text sections 3.1-3.3)   Math 8E/8L - Quiz tomorrow (Text sections 3.1-3.4)                     - Quiz review P.128 # 2ab, 4ab, 5ab, 8ab, 10 (if not finished)  


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Added: Fri, Jun 17 2016