Mrs. Kingston

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Posted: May 14, 2012

DEVOIRS   Math 7L - P.158 # 2, 4, 5              - Geometry set for class tomorrow  

Posted: May 10, 2012

DEVOIRS   Math 7L - Complete assessment review pages from today's class.    Math 8E/8L - Complete assessment review pages from today's class.

Posted: May 9, 2012

DEVOIRS   Math 7L - Complete assessment review pages from today's class.              - Drama students will write their Area and Circumference test tomorrow at noon.   Math 8E/8L - Complete assessment review pages from today's class.  

Posted: May 8, 2012

DEVOIRS   Math 7L - Finish assessment review packet from today's class.              - Drama students should be reviewing for their test on Area and Circumference (Thursday).   Math 8E/8L - Finish assessment review packet from today's class.                    - Volume assignment should be handed in.        

Posted: May 7, 2012

DEVOIRS   Math 7L1/7L2   -  Drama students will write their Area & Circumference test on Wednesday.                          -  Review sheet (area and circumference) was given out today.                         -  Finish assessment review packet from today's class.    Math 8E/8L - Volume assignment (Exercices supplémentaires) needs to be handed in.                     - Finish assessment review packet from today's class.                    - Get surface area test signed if you have not already done so.                    - Drama festival students:  P.205-206 # 7, 8, 10, 11.    

Posted: May 5, 2012

DEVOIRS   Math 7L -  Students returning from drama festival will write their area test on Wednesday.                -  Review sheet will be given out on Monday.   Math 8E/8L - Volume assignment (Exercices supplémentaires) due Monday, May 7.                     - Get surface area test signed if you have not already done so.                    - Drama festival students:  P.205-206 # 7, 8, 10, 11.  

Posted: April 30, 2012

DEVOIRS   Math 8L/8E - Get test signed (Surface Area)   Math 7L - P.168 # 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 (if not finished in class)                - Test on Wednesday (Circumference & Area)   Mount Allison deposit is due ($25 and permission slip) for Gr.8 students.    

Posted: April 25, 2012

DEVOIRS   Math 8E/8L - Test tomorrow (surface area)                      Answers to review are posted below.   Math 7L - Finish area of triangle worksheet  
PDF icon revision_surface_area-_answers.pdf706.05 KB

Posted: April 24, 2012

DEVOIRS   Math 7L1/7L2 - P.145 # 2, 5, 7, 9 (if not finished)   Math 8E/8L - Test on Thursday (surface area)   Reminders:  Tomorrow is PJ bottom day ($1 to support end of the year activities for the Red Team) Mount Allison deposit is due on Monday, April 30th (for Gr.8 students only) Students were given a notice for a fundraiser taking place this Friday          

Posted: April 23, 2012

DEVOIRS   Math 8E/8L - Surface area test on Thursday, April 26   Math 7L - no homework   Don't forget: Wednesday is Pajama bottom day ($1)  


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Added: Fri, Jun 17 2016