Posted: January 12, 2016
Événements Courants presentation
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: January 12, 2016
Événements Courants presentation
Posted: January 12, 2016
Événements Courants presentation
Posted: January 12, 2016
Évenements courants presentation
Posted: January 11, 2016
Homeroom 8E1
- Return ski trip reply sheet. We just need to know who is coming. It is not necessary to send in money at this time.
Francais 8E1
- Read your french book for at least 15 minutes each night.
Sciences Humaines 8
- You have all received your dates for your Évenements Courants presentation this term. Please make sure you email the article link to Mrs. Campbell PRIOR to your presentation.
- Quiz on chapter 1:
8E1 - jeudi, le 14 janvier
8L - lundi le 18 janvier
Sciences Humaines 7
- You have all received your dates for your Évenements Courants presentation this term. Please make sure you email the article link to Mrs. Campbell PRIOR to your presentation.
- Quiz on chapter 1
7E1 - jeudi, le 14 janvier
7E2 - vendredi, le 15 janvier
7L - lundi, le 18 janvier
Posted: December 10, 2015
Posted: December 8, 2015
Posted: December 7, 2015
Posted: December 1, 2015
Posted: November 24, 2015
Posted: November 24, 2015