Miss Barrieau

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science
Math- page 65 #1,2,3,7 Sign pop-quiz:  Les nombres premiers et composés. Our Terry Fox bake sale has been a huge success.  Thank you so much to all of those who contributed.  Yesterday the fundraising count was at $150 and I know we made quite a bit more on leftovers today.  Merci milles fois!!! :) :) :)

Posted: September 24, 2013

Posted: September 24, 2013

PDF icon parent_volunteer_sheet.pdf212.23 KB
Math-  p 61#1,2,3,6,7,8,11,15  Bring in all tickets for the gas draw ASAP.  Bring in green sheet (email/volunteer)
Math- 6E1- p 61#1,2,3,6,7,8,11,15 (for Wednesday)6L1 & 6E2- p 61#1,2,3,6 Bake sale tomorrow!  Hat day tomorrow! Bring in green sheet (email/volunteer)
Math- MCV!   Social tonight! Bake sale Tuesday.  Hat day Tuesday.  Bring in green sheet (email/volunteer)
Math- Logique 1 due FridayReturn Green Sheet to Ms Barrieau;  Think about item for bake sale for Tuesday.  Pyjama pants day is Friday ($1)Hat day is Tuesday ($1)
Purple Team students have chosen to host a bake sale to support our school’s annual Terry Fox fundraiser this year. When:  This coming Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 during Nutrition Break What Students Should Bring:  • Baked goods to sell (cookies, cinnamon rolls, cake, cupcakes, muffins etc.  Please note:  Your contribution need not be too much!  We have 65 students and many great bakers among us!  A small batch would do the trick.  Nut-free please.)• A few dollars to buy a treat and support the cause.  Let’s make this Purple Team Terry Fox fundraiser the best one of all the teams in the school!   Happy Baking, nos amis! Mlle Richardson, Mme Malley & Mlle Barrieau 
Math- 6E1 & 6E2 p56# 4,5,9,10Logique 1 is due FridayCongrats Josh for winning the first POW of the year! http://hms.nbed.nb.ca/news/congratulations-winner-problem-week-1Try POW #2, purple teamers! :) http://hms.nbed.nb.ca/news/problem-week-2-0
Math- 6E1 p56 #4,5,9,10 for Wednesday


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