Miss Barrieau

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science

Posted: October 17, 2014


Sun, Nov 2/14 8:00 pm


Thu, Nov 6/14 8:00 pm
Math- Science- MCV!
Math- p 72 #6,7,9,12
Math- P 72 #1,2,4,5Sign Unit Quiz 1; Work on Re-Quiz; Logique 2 is due Sciences naturelles- Thursday: Wear purple for the GSA
Math- Sign Unit Quiz 1; Work on Re-Quiz; Logique 2 is due tomorrowSciences naturelles- Thursday: Wear purple for the GSA
Math- Logique 2 is due Tuesday, however with the long weekend, it will be accepted without penalty Wednesday.Science-Wear Purple Thursday to support the GSA. 

Posted: October 7, 2014

Math- Test tomorrow, see revisionSciences-


Image Galleries

Added: Tue, Jan 3 2017


Added: Sat, Apr 11 2015


Système solaire- Outline and Rubric
Mental Math Practice
List of things to Review for Test