Posted: April 11, 2011
All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes. AR goals due Friday, June 10th.
Language Arts 7E2 and 7L - Work on preparing/learning your speech for your oral presentation. Make sure you read your speech out loud at home and time it. Speeches need to be 3 - 4 minutes in length. The oral presentation of your speech is due tomorrow Tuesday, April 12th. The final written copy of your speech is due on Thursday, April 21st.
Language Arts 8E and 8F - Work on preparing/learning your speech for your oral presentation. Make sure you read your speech out loud at home and time it. Speeches need to be 3 - 4 minutes in length. We will begin presenting speeches in class on Wednesday, April 14th. Final written copies of speeches are due on Thursday, April 28th.
Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Travaillez sur votre projet de patrimoine. (Heritage Fair). Le projet doit être prêt à présenter mercredi, le 13 avril.