Posted: September 15, 2011
I was not at school yesterday and therefore homework was not posted. Sorry for any confusion this may have caussed.
Math 7E
Students are to finish the worksheet handed out yesterday. Continue to study your divisibility rules.
Science 7L2
Quiz will be Tuesday. Students are working on their ecosystem project in class. Students may also use student enhancement time to work on the project starting Tuesday. The rubric of how students will be marked was explained in class and is posted below.
Science 7E
Quiz will be Tuesday. I will be going over the rubric of how they are marked tomorrow in class. Students are to do their research at home. Time tomorrow in class to work on the project. Please do not spend a lot of money on this project. I have handed out some materials in class today. Students have the option of working individually of in groups of 2 or 3.