Posted: September 21, 2011
Math 7E
We have started algebra today. Class notes and examples are posted below. Homework is to finish the two questions on the last page.
Duotang is to be signed by parents tonight. Three items are to be signed: Math worksheet, Math quiz and Science Quiz.
7E will be having a bake sale Monday Sept 26th to raise Money for the Terry Fox walk. Thank you for your help!
Science 7L1
Quiz tomorrow.
Science 7L2
The rest of class is to present Friday. If any group needs an extention please come see me. I will be available during student enhancement to help with translation, editing.....
Science 7E
Some studens will present Friday. I am available during Student Enhancement if you need help.
Science 8L and 8E1
Quiz tomorrow. Worksheet was handed back to use to study with.
Science 8E2
We were in the lab today. Worksheet on > is due tomorrow. Students will need to use their text (chapitre 1), notes and the website to answer the questions. Quiz Friday.