Miss Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Math- Logique 10 et PP9 are due Monday (date pushed)Science- projet sources d'énergie due Friday, June 5thBring in permission slips.
Math- sign probability test
Math- Sign probability test
Math- Revision for provinicial assessment:  Benchmark assessments from December, March & May (redistributed and reviewed this week).Science- Revision for provinicial assessment: Review recent pop quizzes/warm-ups
Math- Revision for provinicial assessment:  Benchmark assessments from December, March & May (redistributed and reviewed this week).Science- Revision for provinicial assessment: Review recent pop quizzes/warm-ups
Math- Work on paquetScience- Work on Energy Sources project
Order of Operations and Fractions & Other Math Games1) Order of Operations:  http://mrnussbaum.com/orderops-play/2) Equivalent Fractions:  http://www.math-play.com/equivalent-fractions-game.html 3) Other sites to visit:  Remember to play at a level that challenges you. http://www.multiplication.com/games/play/granny-prixhttp://www.multiplic... http://resources.oswego.org/games/
Math- continue working on transformation packet Sciences- think about energy source topic for mini-project
Math- le paquet pages 1-4Sciences-
Math- le paquet, les transformations 1-5 a,bSciences- Journaux 1,2,3
Math- le paquet, les transformations 1-5 a,bSciences- Journaux 1,2,3
Vidéo: Énergies renouvelables : le retour de la biomassehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVnsofoyuB4
Explorez les sites webs suivants:  • http://science.howstuffworks.com/electricity.htm - This website provides excellent background information for understanding electricity. • http://www.yukonenergy.ca/community/education/games/ - This website from Yukon Energy provides Shock Comics with Harry Hazard. Click on the Grades 6-9 version for your own use or to share with the students. • To learn about how rechargeable batteries work, visit how stuff works:http://www.howstuffworks.com/battery4.htm• Here is a very good analogy to explain parallel and series circuits that uses traffic and toll booths. http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/Class/circuits/u9l4b.html  
Math- Test tomorrow: ProbabilityScience-
