Devoir le 7 octobre, 2014.

Posted: October 7, 2014

Classe Titulaire 6E1- Equipe Violette:The students have an opportunity to watch students from HMS take on the Miramichi Timberwolves in a basketball game ( this rivalry has been going on for the past 3 years). This is a fundraiser put on by the Red Team to help with costs associated with field trips. The cost to watch this game is $1 and can be paid to their homeroom teacher by lunch Wednesday October 8th, 2014. There will also be a shoot out style game at half time with the winner receiving a $15 ITUNES gift participate it will cost $1.00Picture retakes are October 15th, 2014.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Sophie Jardine for being Student of the Month for September!!! Way to go Sophie, great role model for your peers ;-)The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Hunther Duthie & Hanna Watt for being Students of the Week ( September 29th-October 3rd, 2014). Way to Go!!!!!Book orders have arrived and been sent home.If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at  or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Faire signer mots croisée " Les fruits et les légumes" + Finir compréhension de lecture " L'action de grâces", pour demain.Faire signer Quiz d'orthographe #4Etudier pour le grand test d'ortho semaine #1-4, mercredi le 15 octobre.Livret de l'Halloween due le 31 octobre, 2014. Français Lecture 10-15 minutes.Faire signer Quiz d'orthographe #3Etudier pour  grand Quiz d'orthographe #1, semaine #1-4, mercredi le 15 octobre, 2014.Faire signer Compte rendu du livre #1.Livret de l'Halloween due le 31 octobre, 2014. Les mots d'orthographe semaine #4est                     6. fillebien                   7. hiverfait                     8. etgarçon               9. monsieurpour                   10. l'automneLes mots d'orthographe semaine #3un ami                          6. papa\ pèreune amie                      7. maman\ mèrebonjour                          8. enfantécole                             9. samedije                                  10. aime Les mots d'orthographe semaine #2:vendredi                             7. madameil y a                                   8. mardidimanche                          9. jeudilundi                                 10. samedimercredi                           11. annéeparce queLes mots d'orthographe semaine #1:janvier                                   11. novembrefévrier                                    12. décembremars                                      13. jouravril                                       14. semainemai                                        15. moisjuinjuilletaoûtseptembreoctobre6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have received their first part of Chapter 1 notes, they should be reviewing their notes every few days. There will be a quiz in 1-2weeks. Chapter 1 quiz will be Friday October 17th, 2014.Finir p.7 #1 tableau. 6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies) Students have received their first part of Chapter 1 notes, they should be reviewing their notes every few days. There will be a quiz the week of Thanksgiving (after). ***Chapter 1 quiz will be Friday October 17th, 2014.