Mrs. Campbell Notes

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All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due Friday, June 10th.   Language Arts 7E2 and 7L - Oratory assignment #2: students will be presenting all week.  Assignment #2 is a choice between a demonstration, a dramatic scene or a sales pitch.  Everyone has received their date for presenting assignment #2.  Please see the documents section for the oratory rubric.  You should also be researching your formal speech topic, using the ideas that we organized in class that you recorded on your speech planning sheet.  Have your research with you in class on Thursday, March 24th (for 7L) and Monday, March 28th (for 7E2).    Language Arts 8E and 8F - Oratory assignment #2 is due tomorrow Thursday, March 24th.  Each student has received their date for presenting assignment #2 (a choice between a demonstration, a dramatic scene and a sales pitch.)  Choose a persuasive topic for your formal speech and research it.  We will begin working on them the week of April 4th.  You should have all reasearch completed and with you in class for this date.   Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Travaillez sur votre projet de patrimoine. (Heritage Fair)  Apportez votre recherche que vous avez fait à la maison et tous vos materiels pour travailler sur votre projet en classe la semaine prochaine.

Posted: March 22, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due Friday, June 10th.   Language Arts 7E2 and 7L - Oratory assignment #2 began today, and students will be presenting all week.  Assignment #2 is a choice between a demonstration, a dramatic scene or a sales pitch.  Everyone has received their date for presenting assignment #2.  Please see the documents section for the oratory rubric.  You should also be researching your formal speech topic, using the ideas that we organized in class that you recorded on your speech planning sheet.  Have your research with you in class on Thursday, March 24th (for 7L) and Monday, March 28th (for 7E2).    Language Arts 8E and 8F - Prepare a reading for your first oratory assignment.  Due:  Friday, March 18.  Oratory assignment #2 will be due on Thursday, March 24th.  Each student has received their date for presenting assignment #2 (a choice between a demonstration, a dramatic scene and a sales pitch.)  Choose a topic for your formal speech.  We will begin working on them the week of March 28th.   Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Chosir un sujet pour votre projet de patrimoine.  (Heritage Fair)  On va faire de la recherche dans la salle des ordinateurs lundi et mardi.  Apportez votre recherche que vous avez fait à la maison et tous vos materiels pour travailler sur votre projet.

Posted: March 17, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due tomorrow, Friday, March 18th.    Language Arts 7E2 and 7L - Prepare a reading for your first oratory assignment.  Due:  Wednesday, March 16th.  Choose a persuasive topic for your formal speech.  Have your topic ready for Thursday, March 17th (for 7L) and Monday, March 21st (for 7E2).  Oratory assignment #2 will begin on Tuesday, March 22nd (a choice between a demonstration, a dramatic scene or a sales pitch).  Everyone has received their date for presenting assignment #2.  Please see the documents section for the oratory rubric.    Language Arts 8E and 8F - Prepare a reading for your first oratory assignment.  Due:  Friday, March 18.  Oratory assignment #2 will be due on Thursday, March 24th.  Each student has received their date for presenting assignment #2 (a choice between a demonstration, a dramatic scene and a sales pitch.)  Choose a topic for your formal speech.  We will begin working on them the week of March 28th.    Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Chosir un sujet pour votre projet de patrimoine.  (Heritage Fair)  On va faire de la recherche dans la salle des ordinateurs lundi et mardi.  Apportez votre recherche que vous avez fait à la maison et tous vos materiels pour travailler sur votre projet.

Posted: March 15, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due this Friday, March 18th.    Language Arts 7E2 and 7L - Prepare a reading for your first oratory assignment.  Due:  Wednesday, March 16th.  Choose a persuasive topic for your formal speech.  Have your topic ready for Thursday, March 17th (for 7L) and Monday, March 21st (for 7E2).  Oratory assignment #2 is due on Tuesday, March 22nd (a choice between a demonstration, a dramatic scene or a sales pitch).  Please see the documents section for the oratory rubric.    Language Arts 8E and 8F - Fractured fairy tales projects are DUE!!!  They were supposed to be finished before you left for March break, so you will now lose 10% of the total mark for every day that it is late.  We watched some of the videos today and they are very well done so far!  Thank you to those who were prepared on time!      Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Chosir un sujet pour votre projet de patrimoine.  (Heritage Fair) 

Posted: March 14, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due this Friday, March 18th.    Language Arts 7E2 and 7L - Prepare a reading for your first oratory assignment.  Due:  Wednesday, March 16th.  Choose a persuasive topic for your formal speech.  Have your topic ready for Thursday, March 17th (for 7L) and Monday, March 21st (for 7E2).    Language Arts 8E and 8F - Fractured fairy tales projects are DUE!!!  They were supposed to be finished before you left for March break, so you will now lose 10% of the total mark for every day that it is late.  We watched some of the videos today and they are very well done so far!  Thank you to those who were prepared on time!  Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Test de chapitre 5 DEMAIN, mardi, le 15 mars.  Chosir un sujet pour votre projet de patrimoine.  (Heritage Fair) 

Posted: March 3, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due Friday, March 18th.    Language Arts 7E2 and 7L - Bring in any props or costumes needed for your Shakespeare scene.  Study your lines.  We will begin performing scenes in class on Thursday.   Language Arts 8E and 8F - work on your fractured fairy tale project.  Videos and photo stories should be completed before the March break.  You have had all of this week's classes in the lab to work on this project, but you will still need to do some work at home.  Remember that if you are using images from the internet, they must be copyright friendly!  We will begin watching them when we return after the break.   Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Completez le tableau pour les pages 90-97, surtout les sections sur l'éducation et les passe-temps.  Test de chapitre 5 mardi, le 15 mars. 

Posted: March 1, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due Friday, March 18th.    Language Arts 7E2 and 7L - Bring in any props or costumes needed for your Shakespeare scene.  Study your lines.  We will begin performing scenes in class on Thursday.   Language Arts 8E and 8F - work on your fractured fairy tale project.  Videos and photo stories should be completed before the March break.  You will have all of next week's classes in the lab to work on this project, but you will still need to do some work at home.  Remember that if you are using images from the internet, they must be copyright friendly!  We will begin watching them when we return after the break.   Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Test de chapitre 5 mardi, le 15 mars.

Posted: February 24, 2011

Patinage demain!  Apportez vos patins!   All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due Friday, March 18th.    Language Arts 7E2 and 7L - Bring in any props or costumes needed for your Shakespeare scene.  Study your lines.   Language Arts 8E and 8F - work on your fractured fairy tale project.  Videos and photo stories should be completed before the March break.  You will have all of next week's classes in the lab to work on this project, but you will still need to do some work at home.  We will begin watching them when we return after the break.    Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Test de chapitre 5: vendredi, le 4 mars.

Posted: February 22, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due Friday, March 18th.    Language Arts 7E2 and 7L - Bring in any props or costumes needed for your Shakespeare scene.  Study your lines.   Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Test de chapitre 5: vendredi, le 4 mars.    

Posted: February 16, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due Friday, March 18th.     8E & 8F Language Arts - Essay on The Cage is due on Monday, February 21st.  Don't forget to PEE and properly cite your quotations.  ***Note to Parents/Guardians:  We have been working on this essay in class since January 24th, and the students have had the due date since last week, so don't let them convince you that they haven't had enough time to complete it.  They have had at least two weeks of class time, plus student enhancement time, and should be working on it at home in the evenings.

Posted: February 10, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due Friday, March 18th.     8E & 8F Language Arts - Essay on The Cage is due on Monday, February 21st.  Tomorrow will be your last day in class to work on it.  Don't forget to PEE and properly cite your quotations.   

Posted: February 3, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due Friday, March 18th.    All red team students - Patinage demain! Skating tomorrow!  Apportez vos patins et votre casquette!   8E & 8F - Apportez $2 (au moins) pour aller a Dr. Losier demain!   Sciences Humaines 7E1 - faire signez vos devoirs. 

Posted: February 1, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due Friday, March 18th.    8F Language Arts - Finish your PEE (point, evidence, explanation) paragraph.   Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Les membres du groupe 4 doivent présenter leur événements courants jeudi, le 3 février.  Il faut avoir deux questions de discussion pour chaque événement, et il faut expliquer le qui, quoi, quand, où, pourquoi et comment.

Posted: January 28, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due Friday, March 18th.     Language Arts 7E2 & 7L - Get Schooled writing signed.   Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Les membres du groupe 4 doivent présenter leur événements courants jeudi, le 3 février.  Il faut avoir deux questions de discussion pour chaque événement, et il faut expliquer le qui, quoi, quand, où, pourquoi et comment.  Completez les devoirs des pages 79-81 (si vous ne l'avez pas encore fait) - liste les industries les plus importantes pour chaque province de l'Amérique du Nord Britannique.  Quiz sur les pages 76-81 lundi, le 31 janvier.

Posted: January 24, 2011

All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes.  AR goals due Friday, March 18th.     Language Arts 8E & 8F - Get demand writing signed.    Language Arts 7E2 & 7L - Get Schooled writing signed.   Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Les membres du groupe 3 doivent présenter leur événements courants jeudi, le 27 janvier.  Il faut avoir deux questions de discussion pour chaque événement, et il faut expliquer le qui, quoi, quand, où, pourquoi et comment.  
