Posted: September 23, 2015
Math 8E1-P. 83 Q 4,6,9,10 (no medels)-Today was a review class. (notes will not load to website).-test Monday. Science 7E1 and 7E2-Research for project should be done for next class. Students should now be working on the ecosystem box and their presentation. Please use simple sentences that are in your own words. I can assist with the translation if needed. Come see me to book a time for extra help.-We will be working on the project over the next two weeks. Rubrics of how it will be marked will be posted next class. Science 7L- Today we did an activity to build some French vocabulary around animals and plants so that we can more easily give examples of our scientific terms. -We still have two weeks to work on our project. Remember that I can assist you in translating for your speach. Come see me during student enhancement if you would like this help.