Mrs. Richardson Notes

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Posted: January 28, 2014

Classe titulaire Richardson/ All of Purple TeamWe would like to congratulate Kailla Wood and Brayden Allain for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Jan.20th Jan.24th)We would like to congratulate Karly Sherrard for being Student of the Month for December on the Purple Team~~ Way to Go! Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #11 jeudi le 30 janvier, 2014.Finir les 10 phrases d'orthographe semaine #11 pour lundi le 27 janvier.LIVRET Les olympiques d'hiver est due vendredi le 21 février, 2014.6E1- Brouillons fini pour mercredi le 29 janvier. pour les affiches publicitaire ( produit et livre ou film). *****STUDENTS MUST HAVE THEIR DRAFT COPY APPROVED BY TEACHER BEFORE STARTING GOOD COPY******6E2- Les idées pour 2 affiches publicitaire. Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #11 jeudi le 30 janvier, 2014.Finir les phrases d'ortho (10) semaine #11 pour lundi le 27 janvier, 20Brouillons pour les affiches publicitaire (produit et livre ou film) due jeudi le 30 janvier, 2014.*****STUDENTS MUST HAVE THEIR DRAFT COPY APPROVED BY TEACHER BEFORE STARTING GOOD COPY****** If the student has lost their draft they must complete a new draft and conference with the teacher to have it approved.LIVRET Les olympiques d'hiver est due vendredi le 21 février, 2014.Les mots d'ortho semaine #11fâcherpiratevoituretoucheparolefinirrécréationgoûterbouderhier6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students should be reading over Ch.3 notes which they have, quiz will be in the next 2 weeks.  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Quiz lundi le 3 février, 2014. Chapitre 14 et 15.Start looking for a topic for Heritage Fair 2014

Posted: January 24, 2014

Classe titulaire Richardson/ All of Purple TeamWe would like to congratulate Kailla Wood and Brayden Allain for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Jan.20th Jan.24th)We would like to congratulate Karly Sherrard for being Student of the Month for December on the Purple Team~~ Way to Go! Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #11 jeudi le 30 janvier, 2014.Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #10Finir les 10 phrases d'orthographe semaine #11 pour lundi le 27 janvier.Faire signer livret de Noel.LIVRET Les olympiques d'hiver est due vendredi le 21 février, 2014.6E1- Brouillons pour les affiches publicitaire ( produit et livre ou film). *****STUDENTS MUST HAVE THEIR DRAFT COPY APPROVED BY TEACHER BEFORE STARTING GOOD COPY****** Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #11 jeudi le 30 janvier, 2014.Faire signer Quiz d' ortho #10Finir les phrases d'ortho (10) semaine #11 pour lundi le 27 janvier, 20*****STUDENTS MUST HAVE THEIR DRAFT COPY APPROVED BY TEACHER BEFORE STARTING GOOD COPY****** If the student has lost their draft they must complete a new draft and conference with the teacher to have it approved.Brouillons pour les affiches publicitaire (produit et livre ou film)Faire signer livret de Noel.LIVRET Les olympiques d'hiver est due vendredi le 21 février, 2014.Les mots d'ortho semaine #11fâcherpiratevoituretoucheparolefinirrécréationgoûterbouderhier6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students should be reading over Ch.3 notes which they have, quiz will be in the next 2 weeks.  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Start looking for a topic for Heritage Fair 2014

Posted: January 23, 2014

Classe titulaire Richardson/ All of Purple TeamWe would like to congratulate Kailla Wood and Brayden Allain for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Jan.20th Jan.24th)We would like to congratulate Karly Sherrard for being Student of the Month for December on the Purple Team~~ Way to Go!Scholastic book order for January are due Friday January 24th. Reminder to past student of the week recipients ***Don't forgot to use your "free book/ $4.99 coupon before June. Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #1 jeudi le 30 janvier, 2014.Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #10Finir les 10 phrases d'orthographe semaine #11 pour lundi le 27 janvier.6E1- Brouillons pour les affiches publicitaire ( produit et livre ou film). Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #11 jeudi le 30 janvier, 2014.Faire signer Quiz d' ortho #10Finir les phrases d'ortho (10) semaine #11 pour lundi le 27 janvier, 2014.Brouillons pour les affiches publicitaire (produit et livre ou film)Les mots d'ortho semaine #11fâcherpiratevoituretoucheparolefinirrécréationgoûterbouderhier6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students should be reading over Ch.3 notes which they have, quiz will be in the next 2 weeks.  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Rien

Posted: January 20, 2014

 Classe titulaire Richardson/ All of Purple TeamWe would like to congratulate Chandler Rooney and Lacey Wylie for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Jan.13th Jan.17th)We would like to congratulate Karly Sherrard for being Student of the Month for December on the Purple Team~~ Way to Go!Scholastic book order for January are due Friday January 24th. Reminder to past student of the week recipients ***Don't forgot to use your "free book/ $4.99 coupon before June. Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #10 jeudi le 23 janvier, 2014.6E1- Idées pour affiche publicitaire ( produit et livre ou film)6E2- Qui suis-je doit être terminé pour demain (mardi le 21 janvier), bonne copie. Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #10 jeudi le 23 janvier, 2014.Idées pour affiche publicitaire (produit et livre ou film)Les mots d'ortho semaine #9têteobjetboucheaussifeuilleest-ce quegardermarchegagnerchercher6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students should be reading over Ch.3 notes which they have, quiz will be in the next 2 weeks.  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Rien

Posted: January 17, 2014

 Classe titulaire Richardson/ All of Purple TeamPurple Team will be skating on Friday January 17th from 10:15-11:30We would like to congratulate Chandler Rooney and Lacey Wylie for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Jan.13th Jan.17th)We would like to congratulate Karly Sherrard for being Student of the Month for December on the Purple Team~~ Way to Go!Scholastic book order for January are due Friday January 24th. Reminder to past student of the week recipients ***Don't forgot to use your "free book/ $4.99 coupon before June. Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #10 jeudi le 23 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #10 due lundi le 20 janvier, 2014.Faire signer quiz d'ortho #96E1- Idées pour affiche publicitaire ( produit et livre ou film) Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #10 jeudi le 23 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #10 due lundi le 20 janvier, 2014.Faire signer quiz d'orthoIdées pour affiche publicitaire (produit et livre ou film)Les mots d'ortho semaine #9têteobjetboucheaussifeuilleest-ce quegardermarchegagnerchercher6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).For Monday January 20th, students will need to complete their notes on Ch.3 ( they have already received 1 day to work on this in class, they will be receiving one more class tomorrow Friday January 17th).  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Rien

Posted: January 16, 2014

Classe titulaire Richardson/ All of Purple TeamPurple Team will be skating on Friday January 17th from 10:15-11:30We would like to congratulate Breanne Chambers and Nolan Barrieau for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Jan.7th Jan.10th)We would like to congratulate Karly Sherrard for being Student of the Month for December on the Purple Team~~ Way to Go!Scholastic book order for January are due Friday January 24th. Reminder to past student of the week recipients ***Don't forgot to use your "free book/ $4.99 coupon before June. Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #10 jeudi le 23 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #10 due lundi le 20 janvier, 2014.Faire signer quiz d'ortho #96E1- Idées pour affiche publicitaire ( produit et livre ou film)6E2-  Finir les brouillons des 3 "Qui suis-je?" pour demain, vendredi le 17 janvier. Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #10 jeudi le 23 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #10 due lundi le 20 janvier, 2014.Faire signer quiz d'orthoIdées pour affiche publicitaire (produit et livre ou film)Les mots d'ortho semaine #9têteobjetboucheaussifeuilleest-ce quegardermarchegagnerchercher6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).For Monday January 20th, students will need to complete their notes on Ch.3 ( they have already received 1 day to work on this in class, they will be receiving one more class tomorrow Friday January 17th).  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Rien

Posted: January 15, 2014

Classe titulaire Richardson/ All of Purple TeamPurple Team will be skating on Friday January 17th from 10:15-11:30We would like to congratulate Breanne Chambers and Nolan Barrieau for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Jan.7th Jan.10th)We would like to congratulate Karly Sherrard for being Student of the Month for December on the Purple Team~~ Way to Go!Scholastic book order for January are due Friday January 24th. Reminder to past student of the week recipients ***Don't forgot to use your "free book/ $4.99 coupon before June. Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #9 jeudi le 16 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #9 due lundi le 13 janvier, 2014.6E1- Idées pour affiche publicitaire ( produit et livre ou film) Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #9 jeudi le 16 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #9 due lundi le 13 janvier, 2014.Idées pour affiche publicitaire (produit et livre ou film)Les mots d'ortho semaine #9parlefermepresquecombienhommefemmesortirdemandepréparedécoupe6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Get Social Studies ch.2  quiz signed.  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Rien

Posted: January 14, 2014

Classe titulaire Richardson/ All of Purple TeamPurple Team will be skating on Friday January 17th from 10:15-11:30We would like to congratulate Breanne Chambers and Nolan Barrieaufor being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Jan.7th Jan.10th)We would like to congratulate Karly Sherrard for being Student of the Month for December on the Purple Team~~ Way to Go!Scholastic book order for January are due Friday January 24th. Reminder to past student of the week recipients ***Don't forgot to use your "free book/ $4.99 coupon before June. Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #9 jeudi le 16 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #9 due lundi le 13 janvier, 2014.6E1- Idées pour affiche publicitaire ( produit et livre ou film) Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #9 jeudi le 16 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #9 due lundi le 13 janvier, 2014.Idées pour affiche publicitaire (produit et livre ou film)Les mots d'ortho semaine #9parlefermepresquecombienhommefemmesortirdemandepréparedécoupe6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Get Social Studies ch.2  quiz signed.Title Page ch.3 is due Wednesday January 15th  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Rien

Posted: January 13, 2014

Classe titulaire Richardson/ All of Purple TeamPurple Team will be skating on Friday January 17th from 10:15-11:30We would like to congratulate Breanne Chambers and Nolan Barrieaufor being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Jan.7th Jan.10th)We would like to congratulate Karly Sherrard for being Student of the Month for December on the Purple Team~~ Way to Go!Scholastic book order for January are due Friday January 24th. Reminder to past student of the week recipients ***Don't forgot to use your "free book/ $4.99 coupon before June. Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #9 jeudi le 16 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #9 due lundi le 13 janvier, 2014. Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #9 jeudi le 16 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #9 due lundi le 13 janvier, 2014.Les mots d'ortho semaine #9parlefermepresquecombienhommefemmesortirdemandepréparedécoupe6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Get Social Studies ch.2  quiz signed.Title Page ch.3 is due Wednesday January 15th  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Rien

Posted: January 10, 2014

Classe titulaire RichardsonPurple Team will be skating on Friday January 17th from 10:15-11:30 Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #9 jeudi le 16 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #9 due lundi le 13 janvier, 2014. Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #9 jeudi le 16 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #9 due lundi le 13 janvier, 2014.Les mots d'ortho semaine #9parlefermepresquecombienhommefemmesortirdemandepréparedécoupe6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Get Social Studies ch.2  quiz signed.  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Rien

Posted: January 9, 2014

Classe titulaire RichardsonPurple Team will be skating on Friday January 17th from 10:15-11:30 Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #9 jeudi le 16 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #9 due lundi le 13 janvier, 2014. Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each nightQuiz d'ortho semaine #9 jeudi le 16 janvier, 2014.Phrase d'ortho semaine #9 due lundi le 13 janvier, 2014.Les mots d'ortho semaine #9parlefermepresquecombienhommefemmesortirdemandepréparedécoupe6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Get Social Studies ch.2  quiz signed.  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Finish for next class (finding) 10 facts about Canada and it's role in the First World War. They typed and printed or written out on looseleaf (in French).

Posted: January 8, 2014

Classe titulaire RichardsonPurple Team will be skating on Friday January 17th from 10:15-11:30 Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each night Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each night6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Get Social Studies ch.2  quiz signed.  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Finish for next class (finding) 10 facts about Canada and it's role in the First World War. They typed and printed or written out on looseleaf (in French).

Posted: January 7, 2014

Bon retour/ Welcome back :-)  I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday break and was able to get some rest and relaxation! Interim reports will be going home on January 21st.Purple Team will be skating on Friday January 17th (time to be determined). Français 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.Reading 10-15 minutes each night Français 6LReading 10-15 minutes each night6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Rien  7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Finish for next class (finding) 10 facts about Canada and it's role in the First World War. They typed and printed or written out on looseleaf (in French).

Posted: December 20, 2013

I would like to take this time to wish all my students and their families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hoping the Holidays are filled with a lot of fun, but also rest and relaxation! Thank you to you all for a great four months :-) Ms. Richardson :-)

Posted: December 19, 2013

THANK YOU!!!!!! We had an amazing potluck with the students, it was a tremendous success because of your generosity and support!.We would like to congratulate Ellie Newman and Spencer MacIntosh for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Dec. 9th- Dec.13thWe would like to congratulate Karly Sherrard for being Student of the Month for December on the Purple Team~~ Way to Go! 6E1 & 6E2For both classes.6E2: Rien6E1: Rien6LRien 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Rien 7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Rien
