Posted: March 20, 2012
The judges were thoroughly impressed with the quality of projects exhibited at this year’s HMS Science Fair. Thank you to everyone who put in extra effort to make exemplary projects for us to enjoy.
The following 6 projects will represent Harkins Middle School at the District 16 Science Fair:
1) Les cristaux: Madison and Taylor
2) Délai de reaction: Owen and Logan3) Whooly Cow- Lyndsay 4) Boisson gazeuse- Lauren and Britney 5) Kick-o-matic- Ben & Alex6) Power of Fruit- Nicolas
The alternatives/honorable mention awards go to1) L’acidité- Spencer 2) Érosion- Wilhelm and Drew
Thank you to everyone who participated! North and South Esk Regional will host the District 16 Science Fair for grades 6-12 on Thursday, March 29th.
For more information, visit: