Problem of the Week #6

Posted: March 22, 2013

Xavier, Yvonne and Zack arrived at school at three different times. They each brought one of their favorite snacks to share with the other two (one brought pretzels; one brought cookies; one brought licorice), and their favorite sports apparatus (one brought a baseball; one brought a soccer ball; one brought a football).   We know a few other facts: 1. The first to arrive did not bring cookies. 2. Xavier arrived second and brought a football. 3. Yvonne arrived before Zak. 4. The person who brought cookies also brought a baseball. 5. The person who brought pretzels did not bring a soccer ball. Determine the order they arrived in, what they each brought for a snack, and which sports apparatus they each brought. (Solutions are due by noon on Thursday, March 28)   Please remember: First and Last Name Class Problem of the Week # Answer done on a sheet of looseleaf (folded in fourths in order to fit into the ballot box)