Posted: January 12, 2015
The Middle School Hockey League team is going pretty well this year. So, Ajay has scored 5 goals, Josh has scored 3 goals, and Savannah has scored 2 goals. If, by the end of the season, Josh triples his goals, Ajay doubles his and Savannah quadruples hers, how many goals will they have scored?All solutions must be submitted by noon time on Friday, January 16. Please remember: First and Last NameClassProblem of the Week #Answer done on a sheet of looseleaf (folded in fourths in order to fit into the ballot box outside of the Math Center on the Orange Team floor.)Show how you found your answer (answer only will not be eligible for draw)Put your answer in a summative phrase (sentence form) with a circle around it (makes it clearer for the judges)Make sure your work is neat (the winner's solution will be posted on the website)