Mrs. Savage Notes

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Posted: October 22, 2013

Read- pg 25 "Les besoins et les desirs", pg28 "La Production", pg30"La distribution". Finish copying the table from page 24. Be prepared to answer the following questions*What were the Needs and Wants of the people? How did they produce them? How did they distribute them?

Posted: October 18, 2013

Get your Social Studies test signed and finish your unit 2 title page. Make sure you have the unit title "La Distribution De La Richesse" add some images and colour. 

Posted: October 17, 2013

Finish your title page for Unit 2 "La Distribution de la Richesse". This unit is all about our economy past and present, please use some symbols and colour!

Posted: October 8, 2013

The grade 6 students are working on a booklet about fall.  Talk to them at home about the diffrent things we do, eat and wear in fall. Also talk to them about why books have chapters and why we need to organize information in informational books. 

Posted: October 8, 2013

Students are working on a project here at school on "Les Automobiles".  They were given a decade and had to chose a car from it.  They have to find specific information on that car and will be presenting it to the class in a Note book file.  We have just begun doing our research.

Posted: October 8, 2013

7E2 and 7L1 will have a test on Chapter 1 Tuesday Otober 15th.  Students you should be studying you notes and should look through the text book glancing at the diffrent sections we covered.

Posted: September 17, 2013

Students in Grade 7 are working on a self portrait project.  They have to do a portrait of themselves in 20 years using images and words.  Also they must include 2-3 things they can do this year to help them to acheive their goal and two to three things they can do in the next 5-10 years to help them acheive their goals. Students were given an example of a well done project today in class.  It can be on looseleaf I would like the words and imagines to be colourful! 7E2 due on Wednesday September 18.7L1 due on Friday September 20th.7L2 Due Thursday September 19th.

Posted: September 16, 2013

Teaching class 7L2 will have a quiz on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms September 17.  Students are aloud to bring home a text book to study.  Teaching class 7L1 will have a quiz on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms thursday september 19th. Teaching class 7E2 will have a quiz on the Canadian Charter or Rights and Freedomes on tuesday September 17th. Again all students are aloud to sign out a text book to take home and review what is on pg 6.

Posted: September 11, 2013

This year in Social Studies your kids are learning about Empowerment.  This is a difficult concept so please take the time to discuss with them ways to empower themselves.  Also talk with them about the Canadian Constitution of Rights.Each student will responsible at some point this term to bring in a current event and present it to the class and start a discussion so keep your kids up to date with the news!!  

Posted: August 30, 2012

Welcome back to another great school year here at Harkins Middle School, and big hello to our new friends in Grade 6 I look forward to meeting all of you!        
