
Posted: March 29, 2012

Congratulations are in order for Harkins Middle School students who won in the category of "Earth and Environmental Sciences":  Silver Medal: Madison & Taylor - Cristaux - Harkins MiddleGold Medal - Lyndsay - Wholly Cow - Harkins Middle   Way to go HMS scientists!!!

Posted: March 29, 2012

Today was Student Appreciation Day #2 at Harkins Middle School.  Students participated in chosen activities, including: Kodu; Card / Board Games; Road Hockey; Ultimate Frisbee; Cooking group at Baptist Church; Movie; An afternoon "en France"; IPad; Web; Zumba; Skateboarding; Cooking group #2 We appreciate the hard work of our students at HMS!  Bravo! Thanks to teachers and staff who organized the activities and to Ms Waye and the Tech Team!

Posted: March 25, 2012

Thursday will be "Autism Hat Day" and you will be able to wear your hat/cap for the low cost of $1.00!  Simply buy a sticker on that day from your homeroom teacher.  To learn more about the Autism Society of Canada, visit: Thank you in advance for your support!

Posted: March 20, 2012

The judges were thoroughly impressed with the quality of projects exhibited at this year’s HMS Science Fair.  Thank you to everyone who put in extra effort to make exemplary projects for us to enjoy. The following 6 projects will represent Harkins Middle School at the District 16 Science Fair: 1) Les cristaux:  Madison and Taylor  2)  Délai de reaction:  Owen and Logan3)  Whooly Cow- Lyndsay 4) Boisson gazeuse- Lauren and Britney 5)  Kick-o-matic- Ben & Alex6)  Power of Fruit- Nicolas   The alternatives/honorable mention awards go to1)  L’acidité- Spencer 2)  Érosion- Wilhelm and Drew

Posted: March 19, 2012

Have a talent in Art?Here is a chance to showcase that talent. Harkins Middle School is having a yearbook cover contest open to any student at the school. To enter, draw a design for the upcoming 2011-2012 yearbook. Cover designs must be on an 8 ½ “ x 11” white paper. They should include designs that showcase all that happens here at Harkins.

Posted: March 1, 2012

Harkins whole-heartedly participated in pink shirt day on Wednesday.  We are aware that bullying happens and we all commit to doing something about it!  See photo:

Posted: February 28, 2012

The students and staff of Harkins Middle School are digitally literate and excellent contributors of content to the world wide web.  Bravo!  With this comes great responsibility and we must ensure that the projects we create are in agreement with Canadian copyright laws.  When creating digital media, it is important to use copyright free photos, music and video, especially if you will be publishing it to the web.  Here are some copyright free websites that you can use to search and find appropriate content:    

Posted: February 28, 2012

Bullying is a major problem in schools, workplaces, homes, and over the Internet. On Wednesday, February 29, 2012 we encourage all of you to wear something pink to symbolize that we as a society will not tolerate bullying anywhere, especially at our fair Harkins Middle School. Two incredible Nova Scotia high school students launched this North American campaign:

Posted: February 21, 2012

A message from Ms McGrath in the library...

Posted: February 16, 2012

Congratulations to HMS students Bethany Matchett and Nicholas Surrette for taking home the grand prizes in each of their categories!  Bethany's original song, Beautiful Angel won in the digital audio category (listen here:  Nick's animation, Matt in the Hat, won in the Animation category (view here:  Congratulations Bethany and Nick!    


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