Posted: September 13, 2010
It's that time of year when students sell, sell, sell tickets for awesome prizes (for both grand prize winners and top sellers! SEE MORE INFO BELOW) Please see your teachers for more specifics on the many prizes to be won. Help support Harkins Middle School by selling or buying tickets! You could win big!
Ticket Campaign 2010Tickets will be distributed by Homeroom on Thursday Sept 9thThe campaign will END on Monday, September 20th ALL tickets and money need to be turned in on MondayDraw Date: Tuesday, September 21st
Top Seller: 32” Flat Screen TV and DVD Player2nd Place: WI Compo (Sports Game & Controller)3rd Place: IPod (8gb)4th Place: $50.00 Gift Certificate for Wal-Mart5th Place: $25.00 Gift Certificate for Wal-Mart
The seller of the Winning Ticket receives: $100.00
Class with the best results: $150.00 (Total Sales divided by the # of students who sold.)
Homeroom Teachers with the 2nd and 3rd place (Total Sales divided by the # of Students who sold) each receive $100.00 for their classroom.
Sell 20 tickets eligible for $25.00 draw.Sell 40 tickets eligible for $35.00 draw.Sell 80 tickets Free Student Fee - $20.00 refunded to the student.Sell 100 tickets Free Dance Pass for the year.
Prizes & Draws:
Monday, September 13th A. 2 Draws for $25.00 B. 1 Draw for $ 35.00
Tuesday, September 14th A. 2 Draws for $25.00 B. 1 Draw for $35.00
Wednesday, September 15th A. 2 Draws for $25.00 B. 1 Draw for $35.00
Thursday, September 16th A. 2 Draws for $25.00 B. 1 Draw for $35.00
Friday, September 17th A. 2 Draws for $25.00 B. 1 Draw for $35.00
When a student sells 20 tickets, their name will be placed in a draw for $25.00 for the week.When a student sells 40 tickets, their name will be placed in a draw for $35.00 for the week.