HMS Drama Club presents...The Princess King

Posted: May 4, 2012

Home performance Monday, May 14th, 9am & 10:20am (for students) and 6:30 pm (for public, $5 at door) all at the MVHS theatre.  Last week Harkins Middle School performed their play at the NB Provincial Drama Festival to a full house, 10:15am performance, Tuesday in the Blackbox.  The students had a great time see plays, attending a workshops, showcases, social and recognition ceremony.  Way to go Harkins!  Stay tuned for updates on our public performance- happening soon!  Here is a list of the awards we came away with: Outstanding Supporting Actors - Matthew Power, Christopher Cooke & Jordan PowerSpecial Adjudicators' Mention for Saving the Day - Lyndsay Jay-Keating See photos here: