HMS “Meets & Beats” the Terry Fox Challenge!

Posted: October 3, 2011

          On September 28th, Harkins Middle School (HMS) students and staff walked and ran the track at the Memorial Field as part of the 2011 Terry Fox School Fun Run.  Over 300 people were in motion as a symbol of their support for the Terry Fox Foundation and their search for cures of cancer.  Many footsteps were taken on this Wednesday afternoon.  However, the real race came during the two weeks leading up to this planned annual event. The week of September 13th, Terry Fox fundraising organizers challenged students and staff to “meet and beat” the 2010 Terry Fox School Fun Run donation of $880.  In HMS fashion, the school became a “buzz” of teams and homerooms baking; drawing posters; cutting tickets; decorating jars of candy; dancing; wearing hats and pyjama bottoms; guessing numbers of suckers; and, setting up ice cream stands.  HMS sincerely thanks all students, staff, and parents/guardians for their work and participation in the following Terry Fox fundraising activities:•  The Blue Team grade 6 classes donated $1 for each student who paid to attend the HMS September Social. •  The Purple Team grade 6 classes held a bake sale and also accepted monetary donations.  Check out the following link to see photos of their sweet selections:•  The Green Team grade 7 A, B, and C sold tickets on a $25 Bulk Barn Gift card and a 2011 Terry Fox t-shirt.  Mrs. Jennifer Sullivan won the gift card and Zackary G. from 7C won the t-shirt.•  The Red Team class 7L1 held a Pyjama Pant Day on Tuesday, September 27th and many Harkins students paid $1 to be seen wearing their finest PJ pants. •  The Red Team class 7L2 encouraged students and staff to sport a coooooool chapeau in school for only $1 on September 28th.•  The Red Team class 7E held a bake sale during their nutrition break (this was also visited by a few sweet toothed green team members). •  The Red Team class 8E1 sold tickets on jars filled with sweet treats. The winners were Haley B. from 8E2 and Mrs. Nancy Allison.•  The Red Team class 8E2 sold ice cream bars during a pleasant 16ºC Tuesday, September 27th.•  The Red Team class 8L held a bake sale during their nutrition break.•  The Orange Team grade 8 A, B, and C guessed at the number of suckers for $1 to win the bag and also accepted monetary donations.•  HMS staff supported a 50/50 draw.  The winner was Mrs. Gail Baker. •  Several parents/guardians made cash donations. So, on September 29th after all funds were collected and counted, HMS had topped the 2010 Terry Fox Fun Run contribution by $315.  Hence, HMS is proud to continue to help support Canadians living with cancer through our donations to the 2011 Terry Fox Fun Run of $1195!