Posted: June 10, 2015
On Monday, June 8th, Harkins Middle School presented a Chinese cultural exposition. Students from 6A and 6B, the Blue Team, headed by Mrs. Blakley-Doucet, as well as Ms. Beers’ social studies students from 8E1, 8E2, 8L1, and 8L2, presented projects created with the help of Ms. Zhang Xiaoyu. Projects included Blue & White Porcelain painting, blow painting lessons, lantern making, traditional Chinese bamboo dancing, Chinese paper cutting, Beijing opera
mask fabrication, chopstick practice activity, calligraphy, Pinyin card creation, Chinese tea making, authentic Chinese cuisine projects, as well as interactive Kung Fu demonstrations. Harkins has been very privileged to have Ms. Zhang with them since November and her presence has afforded the students the opportunity to explore various aspects of Chinese culture. Besides the Harkins staff and student body, several special guests were in attendance including: Ms. Heather Wallace from AEI, (Atlantic Education International) and Ms. Teng Jing, the Director of CINB (Confucian Institute in New Brunswick).
See photos here:
Chinese dance: