Posted: October 30, 2013
can be contacted at school 627-4088 (please leave a message and I will return your call ASAP) or you can e-mail me at All of Purple TeamWe would like to Congratulate Justin McCutcheon & Jenna Augustine for being students of the week on the Purple Team (Oct.21st-25th).***Everyone should bring a reusable water bottle tomorrow for our lunch and afternoon activities.6E1 & 6E2 For both classes:Halloween booklet is due November 4th, 2013. 6E1: Finir les 4 questions pour ch.3 du Caméléon pour demain.6E2: Faire signer Ch. 2 & 3 Les Pirates.6LLecture 10-15 minutes, students should be reading every night 10-15 minutes, Halloween booklet is due November 4th, 2013.2nd book report is due November 8th, 2013. Students have begun working on this in class. 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students are to bring in pictures from home, printed off the computer, books or magazines which represent themselves in their project " Collage de ma culture". Students will be working in class on a collage representing the 5 types of culture we have learned about (everything must be a representation of themselves). 1. Culture ethnique, 2. Culture de jeune, 3. Culture populaire, 4. Culture techno, 5. Culture de l'école. Students have copied directions in their Science Humaine duo-tang and the rubric of how they will be mark has been explained in class (they will receive the rubric shortly). 7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students are working individual or in groups of 2/3 on a collage which represent the 5 categories of "autonomisation. They may use pictures they print at home, they have drawns themselves or cut out from books, magazines and newspapers. Students will have two full classes to work on their project. Final work must be handed in Friday November 1st, 2013.Students have already received the rubric for this assignment and know on what and how they are being marked.