Devoir mercredi le 18 février, 2015.

Posted: February 18, 2015

Purple Team and Homeroom 6E1Permission slip + $5.00 for sleigh ride must be returned and signed by Friday February 20th, 2015.Purple Team students will be skating Friday February 20th from 8:30-10:00 ***Note time changeWe would like to congratulate Liam O'Neill & Taylor Merritt  for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team last week (February 2th- 6th).We would like to congratulate Jack Cain & Blake Bransfield for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team last week (February 9th- 12th).We would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews for being Student of the Month for January! Way to go Kohl you are a fantastic role model :-) Français 6E1 et 6E2 Lecture (Reading) 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also. ****Please note this week they may use this time to work on their book report!Etudier (Study) pour quiz d'ortho semaine #15 & 16  + 10 phrases (sentences) utilisant les mots d'ortho, mardi le 24 février, 2015.Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #14 (Get signed)***Please note students have begun working on their Term 2 book report in class, these report is different from first term as the students developped and voted on the questions which are part of their report.  Book reports will be due Friday  6E1---February 23RD, 2015. *****Note date change 6E2- February 24th, 2015, ****Note date changeFrançaisLecture (Reading) 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.  ****Please note this week they may use this time to work on their book report!Etudier (Study) pour quiz d'ortho semaine #15 & 16  + 10 phrases (sentences) utilisant les mots d'ortho, mardi le 24 février, 2015.Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #14 (Get signed)***Please note students have begun working on their Term 2 book report in class, these report is different from first term as the students developped and voted on the questions which are part of their report.  Book reports will be due Friday  6L---February 23RD, 2015. *****Note date changLes mots d'orthographe semaine #151. ouvrir        6. radio2. fêter          7. gros3. voisin        8. voir4. beau          9. parc5. forêt          10. grosse Les mots d'orthographe semaine #161. balcon       6. saute2. été            7. balle3. patin         8. grand4. vite           9. tempête5. animal      10. grande 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz will be the Wednesday or Thursday the week we return from March Break!Have discussion with you son/daughter about racism, discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice...share with them personal experiences you may have had or seen. This will help them understand that these things are still occuring today and what has happened in the past.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a  quiz will be the Wednesday or Thursday the week we return from March Break!Have discussion with you son/daughter about racism, discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice...share with them personal experiences you may have had or seen. This will help them understand that these things are still occuring today and what has happened in the past.For Monday, students are to examine 10 things found in their house and list where they are from ( in their duo-tang).Ex:  1. Télévision: La Chine        2. Micro-Onde- Le Japon