Devoir lundi le 9 septembre, 2013.

Posted: September 9, 2013

Classe titulaire 6E1 I can be contacted at school 627-4088 (please leave a message and I will return your call ASAP) or you can e-mail me at  Parents please read and fill out the Media Coverage Parent Permission and send back to homeroom teacher ASAP. Kleenex boxes Meet the teacher is Wednesday September 11th from 6:00-7:00. Our school wide fundraiser as started today. Students have been asked to sell tickets on gas at a price of $2.00 each, the money raised from this fundraiser covers sports, drama, all committees and other events held during the school year for students. We greatly appreciate all support!!!!! Picture day for grade 6's is Thursday morning September 12th.   Tous l'équipe violet (all Purple Team).   To help students stay organized throughout the year we have color coordinated their duo-tangs with each class, here is the color assigned to each subject: Français: green duo-tang + binder Mathématique: yellow duo-tang Science Humaine: red duo-tang Science: orange duo-tang Language Arts: blue duo-tang + binder Opérations Mathématique: yellow duo-tang Exploratoire (4): purple duo-tang Français 6E1 & 6E2 Study for " Test d'orthographe #1" mardi le 17 septembre, 2013. Finish "mot croisée L"école" pour mardi le 10 septembre, 2013, Finish 10 phrases d'orhto pour mardi le 10 septembre, 2013.