Posted: January 21, 2016
Classe titulaire 6E1 (HOMEROOM) + Equipe violette (Purple Team).Contact: cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb(link sends e-mail).ca or 627-4088.
- There are a few students who have not yet returned their Interim Report ( it was sent home Tuesday January 19th). If report is not returned tomorrow signed (Friday January 22nd), they will receive 1 day detention.
- Scholastic book orders for the month of January have gone home, all orders and payments must be in by Monday January 25th, 2016.
- Purple Team will be skating on Friday January 22nd, 2016 from 10:20 (first bussing leaving school at 10:15) until 11:40. Parents are more then welcome to accompany us and skate with their son/daughter. Students are required to have helmets.
- We would like to congratulate Brody Hallihan for being Student of the Month for December. Brody is a very dedicated student working to his full potential and always willing to lend a helping hand to his fellow peers. Way to go Brody!
- We would like to congratulatefor Lilly Trevors and Sam Johnson for being Students of the Week for January11th-15th, 2016. Great work last week :-)
Français (French) 6E1, 6E2
- Faire signer (get signed) livret de Noel et hiver.
- Faire signer (get signed) reading comprehensions.
- We will be beginning a novel study at the end of the week or early next week. We will also be starting some grammaire and sentence structure activities ( please see weblinks for practice links).
Français (French) 6L (late)
- Reading 10-15 minutes in French every evening ( Monday to Thursday), they will choose books from my classroom.
- Faire signer (get signed) livret de Noel et hiver.
- We will also be starting some grammaire and sentence structure activities ( please see weblinks for practice links).
Science Humaines (Social Studies) 6E1, 6E2, 6L.
- 6L- Finir (finish) p.18 pour vendredi le 22 janvier, 2016. Student have worked on this activitiy sheet for 1 1/2 periods in class and it must be completed by Friday. Students should also be working on their draft of p. 17 ( They need to choose 4 out of the 7 sections of the Canadien Charter of Rights and Freedoms) and create posters for each one.
- 6E1 & 6E2: Students chose groups today to complete their final assignments for this unit (in lieu of a quiz). Students will receive class time to work on this assignment, final presentations will be held the week of January 25th-29th.