Homework Sept 10th

Posted: September 10, 2013

Science 8L -Notes posted below -We learned about the 7 characteristics of living things.   Math 7L1 -Notes posted below -A review booklet for X and dividing was passed out.  Students should have the first page (30) completed for next class.  It is included in the notes below   Science 7L1 -Students have the rubric of how they will be marked for the ecosystem project. -Students have picked their animals. -Students need to bring some research to next class.   -Math 7L2 -I was absent for this class so we will correct page 9 next day -Students were given a review booklet for multiplying and dividing.  This is two concepts students should know well from previous grades.   Science 7L2 -Substitute gave out the rubric of how students will be graded for the project -Students should come to next class with some research on the animal they chose. -Students have the option of working in groups of 2 or 3 or working individually. -We will work on this project over the next two weeks. -Samples of past work are in the image galleries.
PDF icon sept_10th_science_8l.pdf124.45 KB
PDF icon sept_10th_7l_math.pdf4.85 MB