Homework for January 7th

Posted: January 7, 2014

We will be starting science fair next week.   Math 7L1 and 7L2 -We started Module 2 today.  Please see notes below.  Homework is on page 54.   Sicence 7L2 -Today we discussed object that are small.  We watched a video illustrating magnification. -We watched a video of salt dissolving in water. -Homework is to define 3 terms: hétérogène, homogène and substance pure.   Science 8L and 8E1 -Today we used algebra to solve density questions.  Student will need a caculator for every science class.  A tutorial for Algebra was given today during student enhancement for students who wanted a review of this math skill. -In two classes from now, students will need a small object and a small pencil that they can sink in a graduated cylinder of water.  Students will using their data to calculate density.  -8L Homework is to finish side 1 on worksheet using their text. (Read section 5.1 and 5.2 of text to answer questions.)  Sign work that was passed back. -8E1 Homework is to collect objects.  Sign work that was passed back.