Posted: January 11, 2016
Math 8E1
-Today we reviewed fractions. Multiplying fractions using a number line and rectangle were introduced.
-Homework P. 113 Q 6 using rectangle model.
-A video tutorial for adding fractions using a rectangle model has been posted at the following link. It is the first so please let me know if this review method is helpful. I will try to get a tablet set up so the next one is neater. (left handed person using a mouse with their right hand to draw. Watch the video and you will see what I am talking about. ) :)
-Monday proposal journal entry is due. this is a worksheet that was handed out. One copy is due for each group.
-Today we went over some examles of testable questions. Please see notes below.
- A copy of the proposal form is attached below should students need a second copy they can print it off.