Homework Dec 12th

Posted: December 12, 2014

Due to storm their is several changes to the schedual for next week. -Tuesday 1st and 2nd period will be the district math benchmark test.  (please use past test and assignments to review) -Potluck remains Wednesday dec 17th 1st period. -MADD presentation Wednesday Decembre 17th pm -Drama presentation Thursday December 18th pm -Talent show Friday December 19th pm   Science 8 will have an in-class open book skills test/assignment next week.   This is a test where students may use their duotang, notes and textbook.   The test will review all we have learned this year but will focuss more on skills.   How to write a testable question, hypothesis, procedure ect....    For example, situations are given and students are asked to write a testable question or a hypothesis for the situation.    This is not a test to evaluated memorization of notes and content. Homework is to organize notes and locker. 8L1 Thursday 8L2  Tuesday and Wednesday (students will choses which day today) 8E1 Wednesday 8E2 Thursday after drama presentation with extra time Friday morning if needed.
PDF icon dec_12th_math_8l.pdf545.54 KB