Posted: November 30, 2015
Students in 7/8B and 8A played "Integer War" in class today. This was an amusing format for learning away from the old paper nd pencil routine. This was also great way for them to use their math reasoning skills while also reviewing integer concepts. Please check out the photos in the gallery! 8A MATH: We will begin our new unit on Pythagorean Theorem tomorrow as we get closer to the district benchmark assessment.Students should be working 2 nights a week or more on their mathletics accounts to work on NB curriculum outcomes we already covered to date.7 MATH: We are starting our Fractions, Decimals, and Fractions unit tomorrow. Reminder that the district assessment will be the week of December 14th. Students should be working 2 nights a week or more on their mathletics accounts to work on NB curriculum outcomes we already covered to date. Skating on Friday for all Orange team students Anyone wanting to purchase books for Christmas through the book order you can email me at or drop the order off in my name to the school if it is a secret gift! Order will go in on the 8th of December.