Posted: December 9, 2013
All LA - All students should be reading no less than 15 mins each night
- Christmas projects should be passed in Friday
- Remembrance Day Packets must be signed and returned
BOOK ORDERS for December need to be in by this WEDS DEC 11th in order to have them back before Christmas. Parents can order a surprise for their child for Christmas from the book order. Just send in or drop off the money and order in an envelope and specify it is a gift.
ANY old blankets, towels, cleaning supplies or cat and dog food can also be sent in this week!
PLEASE NOTE: Songs are due this Friday, Dec.13th. Some students have requested to record in a classroom without students. The Computer labs were booked so that all students would have sufficient time to complete. I have told all classes I am available this Tues, Weds, Thurs all lunch hour and Tues, Weds, Thurs at student enhancment or any day afterschool except Thurs. Students can also record at home using the program Audacity (free and safe download)