Posted: November 17, 2016
8E Homeroom -
- Please get report card and pink slip signed and return them. You only need to return the last page of the report.
7L French (both split classes)
- read your book out loud and get reading journal signed
6E Sciences Humaines
- complete six interview questions on the topic you chose in class and write your own answers to the interview questions. Those two parts are due on Monday, November 21st. The other two parts of your interview (parent/equiavlent and grand-parent/equivalent) have to be completed for Wednesday, November 23rd. Please write your notes on the sheets provided in class.
6/7L Sciences Humaines
- gr. 6 - complete questions for interview and begin interviewing a parent and grandparent or other person from that generation.
- gr. 7 - work on revisions to your presentation.
7E Sciences Humaines
- no homework
7/8 Sciences Humaines
- complete questions 2 & 3 p. 20. Due: le 22 novembre.
8E Sciences Humaines
- complete questions 2 & 3 p. 20. Due: le 22 novembre.