No Technology Day/ Classroom Yard Sale/ Clean-up

Posted: April 17, 2013

Dear Parents, As part of our Electricity unit in Science, Cross-Curricular project and focus on Earth Day, we will have a “No Technology Day” on Tuesday, April 23rd.  On Thursday, April 18th (or another day before Tuesday) students will keep a record of the technology and electricity that they use during a typical day (long tabled sheet).  Thereafter, students should plan alternatives to the technology/electricity that they use during a typical day, to help inform their participation in Tuesday’s “No Technology Day”.  The entire day should be dedicated to avoiding (reducing) technology and electricity use (within reason; we have talked about exceptions in class).  This includes an effort to avoid computers, microwaves, video games and television, for example.  During the day, we will not use SMARTBoards, digital tools, computers and other devices at school.  We will also, collect, sort and recycle garbage on the school grounds during that day.  We will make announcements to inform our fellow students about the waste found on the school grounds and what they can do to help. To help students in the evening, we have brainstormed alternative, at-home activities that might include playing outside, playing board games, cards, homework, reading, baking (without using the oven!).  All of these alternatives should be logged on the same purple sheet. Some students have expressed interest in walking/biking to school on Tuesday.  Great idea!  Please use your discretion.   We will reflect on our No Technology Day by blogging about it in class.  As well, parents and family members are more than welcome to take part at home on Tuesday.  This is an activity that will raise awareness about dependence on technology and help us think about the ways we consume electricity every day.  *ALSO NOTE:  As well on Tuesday, we will have a classroom-based “yard sale”.  Student should bring in a few items (within reason, nothing exceeding the volume of their backpacks) that they no longer want and are willing to sell for a couple dollars, to be reused by someone else in the class.  All proceeds will support our Leukemia/Lymphoma fundraiser at HMS.  Please send students with a couple dollars to buy items too! This day will offer students hands-on lessons regarding the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Thanks in advance for your support, Purple Team J