Posted: April 14, 2010
There will be an important practice for all cast this Sunday, April 18th from 3:30 to 5:30pm.
Practice for the week of April 19th to April 23rd:
Day 3: Monday at lunch, (Barrieau) 12:30-1:00pm: Mice, Belle and Commenting Choral VoicesMonday afterschool, 3:00-4:15pm: All Scenes, Actors Only
Day 4: Tuesday at lunch (Mercier) 12:30-1:00pm: Scene 1-3Tuesday afterschool, 3:00-4:15pm: Scene 1-6
Day 5: Wednesday at lunch, (Mercier) 12:30-1:00pm: Scenes 4-6
Day 1: Thursday at lunch, (Barrieau) 12:30 to 1:00pm: Scenes 7-9 Thursday afterschool 3:00-4:15pm: All Scenes, Actors Only
Day 2: Friday at lunch, (Barrieau) 12:00-1:00pm (All actors read-through) Commenting Choral Voices should come to every practice! :) Powderers should come for scenes that they are in.
CHARACTERS AS PER SCENESCENE 1- Maria, Fred Friedman, Nathaniel, Commenting Choral VoicesSCENE 2- Maria, Nathaniel, Snow White, Cinderella, Emperor, Brownilocks and the 3 Bears (all cast* and Commenting Choral VoicesSCENE 3- Maria, Emperor, Brownilocks and the 3 BearsSCENE 4- Puss, Nathaniel, Mice, Commenting Choral VoicesSCENE 5- Maria, Mice, Puss N BootsSCENE 6- Maria, Nathaniel, Cinderella, Snow White, Commenting Choral VoicesSCENE 7- Nathaniel, Hanzel, Gretel, Stage Mother, Commenting Choral Voices SCENE 8- Maria, Snow White, Cinderella, Hanzel, Gretel, Stage motherSCENE 9- Commenting Choral Voices, Nathaniel, Tortoise, HareSCENE 10- Nathaniel, Commenting Choral Voices, Belle, Papa Bear, Puss, Maria, AllSCENE 11- All SCENE 12- Maria